The name of the User Chart will be displayed in the top right corner of the ECDIS screen.b. The name because I must never change the setting for the Safety Contour.b. In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service passwordc. In chart alertd. In the ...
1.What does the alert number 820 indicateA. AIS lostB. TT lostC. Navtex message receivedD. Cross track alarm2. What does
Yes if I enter the Service Safety Passwordc. Nod. It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety ContourRestricted AreaCaution Area etc.)48. How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating? ( A )a. The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs automaticallyb. 38...
1.WhichoperationcanyouperformontheFURUNOECDIS?(B)a。IcanplaybackmyshipspasttrackontheECDIS b。IcanrecordmypositionmanuallyontheRNCs。 c.IcancreateNotesfrommyVoyageLogtodocumentavoyageonthecharts。 d.IcansettheECDIStoincludeengineloginformationintotheVoyageLogautomatically。2。WhichoperationcanyouperformontheFURU...
b. Yes – if I enter the Service Safety Password c. No d. It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour –Restricted Area –Caution Area etc.) 48. How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating ( A ) a. The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs...
1. Wichopertion can you perorm on theFURUO EDIS B . Ican play ack my sips past track on theECDISb I n recod mypsiionmnua
b. Yes – if I enter the Service Safety Password c. No d. It depends on the type of Alert generated (Safety Contour–Restricted Area–Caution Area etc.) 48. How are loaded ENCs converted into SENCs when updating? ( A ) a. The FURUNO ECDIS will normally convert the ENCs to SENCs ...
(B) a.Icanplaybackmyship’spasttrackontheECDIS b.IcanrecordmypositionmanuallyontheRNCs. c.IcancreateNotesfrommyVoyageLogtodocumentavoyageonthecharts. d.IcansettheECDIStoincludeengineloginformationintotheVoyageLogautomatically. 2.WhichoperationcanyouperformontheFURUNOECDIS?(A) a.Icanrecordmyposition...
d. I can set the ECDIS to include engine log information into the Voyage Log automatically. Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDIS ( A ) I can record my position manually on the ENCs. I can set the ECDIS to automatically choosing a Safety contour based on my setting of ...
b. In the Settings menu and I can only change the setting if I have the service passwordc. In chart alert d. In the route planning tool 78. Where do you offset own ship chart position on the FURUNO ECDIS? ( D ) a. In symbol display b. In chart display c. In chart menu d. ...