Copyright 1996-2024 Cerner Multum, Inc. Version: 18.01. Drug Status AvailabilityPrescription onlyRx Pregnancy & LactationRisk data available CSA Schedule* Not a controlled drug N/A Approval History Drug history at FDA WADA Class Anti-Doping Classification...
40 mg, and 60 mg tablet strengths. It is a medication that falls into the classification of loop diuretics, and is commonly referred to as a water pill. The drug is used to reduce fluid retention, or swelling, produced by different medical...
In fasted normal men, the mean bioavailability of furosemide from furosemide tablets and furosemide oral solution is 64 % and 60%, respectively, of that from an intravenous injection of the drug. Although furosemide is more rapidly absorbed from the oral solution (50 minutes) than from the table...
The ordered mesoporous silica material MCM-41 was used to prepare a novel drug delivery system (DDS) for oral administration of the diuretic furosemide (FURO), labeled in class IV of the Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS). This drug is characterized by both low solubility and ...
Stroke volume and heart rate increase during pregnancy, increasing cardiac output, especially during the first trimester. Clinical classification of heart disease may worsen with pregnancy and lead to maternal death and/or stillbirth. Closely monitor pregnant patients for destabilization of their heart ...
(IARC) carcinogen classification3 (Vol. 50) 1990 EPA chemical substance informationinformation provided by: (external link) Introductionfurosemide is a diuretic, also known as furosemide, developed in 1963 by the former sidehst, clinically used for the treatment of cardiac edema, ...
Aim of the present investigation was to develop the Self Microemulsifying Drug Delivery System (SMEDDS) of Furosemide. Furosemide is Class IV molecule according to BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System), having low solubility and ... A Deshmukh,Nakhat,Pramod YeolePremch - 《Der Pharmacia Lett...
Classification Code: Diuretic ; Diuretics ; Drug / Therapeutic Agent ; Human Data ; Membrane Transport Modulators ; Mutation data ; Natriuretic Agents ; Reproductive Effect ; Sodium Potassium Chloride Symporter Inhibitors ; Tumor data H bond acceptors: 7 H bond donors: 4 Freely Rotating Bonds:...
scite shows how a scientific paper has been cited by providing the context of the citation, a classification describing whether it supports, mentions, or contrasts the cited claim, and a label indicating in which section the citation was made. Similar content2,820 Removal of Residual Polyvinylpy...
A further classification of the patients could be evaluated, based on the indication for furosemide therapy. Presence of sepsis was the most common reason for intensive care treatment. The most common indication for continuous intravenous furosemide therapy was acute kidney injury, followed by acute ...