Learn about FUROSCIX, the subcutaneous furosemide injection via an On-Body Infusor for heart failure patients that lets you stay at home.
SUBQ(Adults):30 mg over the 1st hr; then 12.5 mg per hr over the next 4 hr with the single-use on-body Infusor. Replace with oral diuretic therapy as soon as possible. Hypertension PO(Adults):40 mg twice daily initially (when added to regimen, ↓ dose of other antihypertensives by ...
Successful Validation of a Wearable, On-body Infusor for Subcutaneous Administration of Furoscix in Heart Failure Patients, Caregivers, and Health Care Practitionersdoi:10.1016/J.CARDFAIL.2020.09.199A. AndreJ. MohrBarb CorneliusMatthew M. Goodwin...
designed to allow for subcutaneous infusion via a wearable, pre-programmed on-body drug delivery system, for outpatient self-administration. FUROSCIX is currently under development for the treatment of congestion due to fluid overload in adult patients with New York Heart A...