Highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection on multiple fur farms in the south and central Ostrobothnia regions of Finland, July 2023. Eurosurveillance https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.Es.2023.28.31.2300400 (2023). Enserink, M. Coronavirus rips through Dutch mink farms, triggering...
In order to protect livestock from disease or infection that might be introduced from wild animals – or from other farms – most North American mink and fox farms enforce strict biosecurity protocols. The tires of vehicles (e.g., trucks delivering feed) are disinfected as they pass through an...
In order to protect livestock from disease or infection that might be introduced from wild animals – or from other farms – most North American mink and fox farms enforce strict biosecurity protocols. The tires of vehicles (e.g., trucks delivering feed) are disinfected as they pass through an...
In 2009, in order to improve animal welfare on European fur farms,Fur Europe(a Brussels‑based umbrella organisation representing the entire value chain of the fur sector in Europe) initiatedWelFur,an animal welfare assessment programme evaluating the level of animal welfare on farms. Fur farms ...
for banning animal fur farmingis notably driving market growth. Globally, the number of initiatives for banning fur farming has increased because of the growing focus on animal welfare. Governments across the world implement stringent regulations, which have led to the shutdown of fur farms. ...
(Source: Fur Commission USA.) In Canada as of 2020, there are some 60 mink farms producing 1 million pelts annually, worth about CA$50 million. (Source: Canada Mink Breeders Association.)A YEAR ON A MINK FARM The need to provide farmed mink with a comfortable and stress-free ...
Born Free USA’s next goal will be to lift the shroud of secrecy over these same sorts of unregulated fur farms in the United States…” Angela Grimes also added, “This report highlights the cruelty of the fur-farming industry in Europe, but this isn’t just a European problem. “...
Around one million people are employed in this sector worldwide. The main production countries are Greece, Russia, China and Denmark. In Germany, the turnover of the fur industry in 2012 was around 1.28 billion euros and there were 23 mink farms. There are about 7,200 fur farms in the ...
Fox production in North America is quite small in comparison with mink. Today, there are about 35 fox farms in Canada, producing some 5,000 fur pelts annually. Production is somewhat smaller in the USA. Finland is the world’s leading fox producer, accounting for as much as half the total...
Along with nutria, non-native species were also introduced in Europe for the fur trade, including American mink, raccoon dogs, and muskrats. American mink that have escaped from fur farms now account for 80% of wild mink in Denmark, and they devastate the environment, killing native birds, ...