avatar_url: str the URL to the user icon banner_url: str | None the URL to the user banner (if any is set, otherwise None) watched: bool True if the user is watched, False otherwise watched_toggle_link: str | None The link to toggle the watch status (/watch/ or /unwatch/ type...
毕竟人总是要做出点改变的,更何况你很明显可以看出,这幅图片比之前的那两把烂枪更具欣赏价值(如果你上网搜搜的话,你可以发现人民突击步枪真的是种烂枪),所以换点好东西上来是非常应该甚至于我早就该这么干的事情。 希望大家能喜欢我的新头像吧 ^^
Note:The last page returned by thewatchlist_toandwatchlist_bymay not be correct as Fur Affinity doesn't seem to have a consistent behaviour when rendering the next page button, as such it is safer to use an external algorithm to check whether the method is advancing the page but returning ...