Common charactors of pinyin [fu] 服 fú serve; convince 副 fù deputy; assistant 复 fù duplicate; compound 负 fù carry on the back or shoulder; shoulder 福 fú good fortune; make a curtsy 父 fù father; male relative of a senior generation ...
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网络颜福伟拼音歌词 网络释义 1. 颜福伟拼音歌词 颜福伟拼音歌词(Yan fu wei pinyin lyrics)样拼音歌词(Yang pinyin lyrics) 腰乐队拼音歌词(Yao le dui pinyin lyrics) 妖精帝国拼...|基于3个网页
Wang Fu (Chinese: 王符; pinyin: Wáng Fú) (about 82 AD-167 AD[citation needed]), courtesy name Jiexin (simplified Chinese: 节信; traditional Chinese: 節信; pinyin: Jiéxìn) was a Chinese essayist, historian, philosopher, and poet during the Eastern Han Dynasty. Born in Gansu Province,...
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