介绍Freddy。“This is Freddy frog. Say hello to him, OK?” 2“Today’s sound is…”引出F的发音/f/,带领学生读“/f/ /f/,Freddy、/f/ /f/,frog. 3显示以/f/发音开头的单词图片:friend,frog,fish,feet。 4“How many children can you see?”引出“Three”。“How many feet have they got...
说:This is Freddy. Freddy is a frog. Say “Hi, Freddy Frog.” 强调每个单词开头的/f/音,让学生将上齿放在下唇上,轻轻送气发出这个音,声带不振动。让学生说出图片里有什么(Freddy Frog, friends, feet)。说:Say it with Monty. 12. 播放录音。学生听录音并跟着重复。 13. 变化方式读,比如:全班一起...
“This is Freddy frog. Say helloto him, OK?” 2“Today’s sound is…”引出F的发音/f/,带领学生读“/f/ /f/,Freddy、/f/ /f/,frog. 3显示以/f/发音开头的单词图片:friend,frog,fish,feet。 4“How many children can you see?”引出“Three”。“How many feet have they got?”引出句子...