Ambition is like choler; which is an humor that maketh men active, earnest, full of alacrity, and stirring, if it be not stopped. But if it be stopped, and cannot have his way, it becomethand thereby malign and venomous. So ambitious men, if they find the way open for their rising...
Words are funny things. Not only because they sometimes look strange (queue, we’re talking about you) orhave unusual origins, but also because they just plain old make us laugh and giggle. What’s afartlek? Or ashivoo? Chances are, even if you’ve never heard these terms, they might ...
“Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”—Michael Scott, The Office “People say money is not the key to happiness, but I have always figured if you have enough money, you can have a key made.”—Joan Rivers “When...
Back to virtual reality here! We all have at least one of those group chats that we love to participate in. Be it a gang of friends, your most beloved coworkers, a family chat, or a group of people you share a hobby with, all those group chats need a proper name. No worries, th...
I want to teach you how to be more charismatic, more captivating, and more words that start with c. I love hotdogs, hamburgers, and handsome men. I am so thrilled, happy, and terrified to be here! You can see some examples from the world of TED here: ...
Celebrate your mom’s love on Mother’s Day with our collection of themost beautiful captions. Show her your appreciation and love with heartfelt words. I used to think I was indecisive, but now I am not so sure. How do you call a pig that does karate? Pork Chop ...
This phrase also should not be taken literally. “Рукинедоходят” literally means “Hands do not reach,” it REALLY meansyou do not have time to do something. After these 3 words, you can say any verb which will designate the action that you can’t do. In our case ...
Words To Describe Catherinettes The alleged most commonly used words of endearment: Honey (48%), Baby (44%), Sweetheart (41%), Dear (39%), Lover (32%), Darling (31%), Sugar (24%), Angel (20%), Pumpkin (13%), Beautiful (6%). St Catherine’s Statue and Prayers One custom is...
Be sure to use a toothpaste that's the same color as your toilet seat for maximum camouflage. Since most people don't pay attention to the seat before they sit, your roommate is sure to get a tush-ful of toothpaste. Classic. 280 votes Is this funny? 13 Two Words: Fake Bugs Photo:...