For those that may not know,urbandictionary.comis a site you can go to and find the definitions for slang words, phrases, acronyms, and more that are used in society today. If you are having trouble keeping up with your teenager and don’t know what the hell they are saying, urbandict...
"They never told me not to tell anyone. In so many words. And it is funny. Maybe you could put it in a story with different names and whatnot. Listen, Fred," she said, reaching for another apple, "you've got to cross your heart and kiss your elbow -- " Perhaps contortionists c...
Delve into the amusing side of the German language with a collection of funny phrases and unique words that showcase its expressive charm.
When you hear the toilet flush and the words ‘uh oh’, it’s already too late. Brake fluid mixed with Clorox makes smoke and lots of it. A six-year-old boy can start a fire with a flint rock even though a 36-year-old man says they can only do it in the movies. Certain Legos...
When you think about how to start a conversation, this point always comes up, and with good reason. Conversation isn't just about the words, your location influences you a great deal. If you're in a bar, you can be loud and a little crass; while, in a cafe, you're quieter and ...
“Cinnamon”, I get to name the dog!”.The poor man was trapped so he agreed(more like gave up). It was between “Cinnamon” and “Rhubarbe” but since apparently, according to dear husband, it was the year of the “R” (names starting with “R”) for dogs, “we” (I””) ...
Finally, The Joke Machine teaches middle graders to be more confident writers because being funny is about teasing out your message, having the courage to say something and then pull it back. It’s presenting a thought, then twisting, bending and reversing it. It’s like starting with “two...
Giggles with the Funny Girls; Television GIRLS Just Want to Have Fun and Dawn French Is Aiming to Celebrate the Female Sense of Humour in New BBC1 Series Girls Who Do Comedy. TV Writer MARION McMULLEN Takes a Look at Some of the Comedy Stars Highlighted in the Three-Part Special Starting...
Well done! LOL! Please do one with crunchy kids sayings! Reply Amanda StarrJan 16 at 12:37 pm Love the videos, they always make me laugh. My children are starting to show signs of crunchyness. Here’s some sh*t they say. I’m homeschooled, Are these vegetables organic? Mom, do we...
(Reaching the door of the La Folia's residence with much difficulty, the girl moved her hair that was slightly shorter than a ponytail, happily saying words that sounds polite and yet not conforming to keigo. In the way of her home, the girl said to be named as Eugen Couteau.) (At ...