Classic Englishman, Irishman, Welshman, Scotsman Joke An Englishman, Irishman, Welshman, and Scotsman were captured while fighting in a far-off foreign land, and the leader of the captors said, ‘We’re going to line you up in front of a firing squad and shoot you all in turn. But fi...
An Englishman, Irishman, Welshman, and Scotsman were captured while fighting in a far-off foreign land, and the leader of the captors said, ‘We’re going to line you up in front of a firing squad and shoot you all in turn. But first, you each can make a final wish.’ The Englis...
This is why we have stayed with this long list of witty sayings and comedian jokes. A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal. A poet can survive everything but a misprint. I am not young enough to know everything. I have the simplest ...
Another newspaper misprint:- The Welsh international had to withdraw when the cut turned sceptic. From a Sunday newspaper:- The surgeon said he’d removed my momentum – the funny apron of fat that covers the intestines. [The omentum is the medical name for the sheet of fat that covers abd...
An Englishman, Irishman, Welshman, and Scotsman were captured while fighting in a far-off foreign land, and the leader of the captors said, ‘We’re going to line you up in front of a firing squad and shoot you all in turn. But first, you each can make a final wish.’ The Englis...