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Don’t ask him questions about his actions. His boring day may need a lift, it’s your duty to provide it. A good wife knows her place. Prepare the children. Enjoy the Full Article! Rules Issued to Female Teachers by the Los Angeles District in 1915 As a part of our marriage jokes...
To play this game you will ask the mom and dad to be 20 questions, where they can’t hear the other’s answers before the shower starts. Once everyone has arrived, ask the parents-to-be to guess the answer that the other one gave to the questions. You can also poll the audience be...
He thanks the bride and bridegroom on behalf of the bridesmaids and himself for asking them to be part of their special day and for the gifts they have received and then he reads out telegrams, cards, e-mails, or other messages from friends and relatives who couldn’t be at the wedding...