The second is Richard Hofstadter’sThe Paranoid Style in American Politics.It is a collection of essays and the title essay has understandably received a lot of attention in the last eight years. However I think it is the second essay in the collection,The Pseudo Conservative Revolt – 1954,w...
Sails of the Herring Fleet: Essays on Beckett 8 Quaquaquaqua The Babel of Beckett This may get more theoretical later; somewhat roundabout, but I want to begin with a sort of historicizing preface to what I had intended to say, for I came here directly from Paris, where I saw Becket.....
The survey also highlighted the diversity in reading preferences. While crime fiction remains popular, Norwegians also indulge in a wide range of genres. This includes contemporary literature, historical biographies, and political essays. Bookstores reflect this diversity with their vast and varied colle...
CONDITION: Contrary to POPULAR belief, I estimate that the AVERAGE EXISTING condition for Bronze Age comics is (A) FINE for superhero titles (B) VERY GOOD for NON-superhero titles and for superhero reprint titles Most VF copies are VERY NICE, ABOVE AVERAGE. Most traditionally NON collected titl...
Additional Details Wholesale ISBN No. 9787536587809 Book Name Mi Xiaocuan 3rd and 4th Series The author has no pricing of 20,000 yuan Third and fourth series of book titles Mi Xiao Circle Is it a set? Yes. Publisher Name Sichuan Children's and Adolescents' Publishing House...