Discover our collection of the funniest pick up lines that are guaranteed to get a laugh. Perfect for breaking the ice in any situation.
Funny pick up lines - Get all the best, cheesy, dirty and funny pickup lines for guys and girls. Get tips and articles on how to attract women by David DeAngelo
Pick Up Lines Your profile pic is so cute. The human isn't too bad looking either. Baby, have you been eating your Campbell's soup? Because you are looking Mmm, Mmm good! Are there people following you?Because I'm seeing someone behind your back. Will you integrate with me? I...
Right this way if you’re looking for the best flirty pick-up lines to try on your next dating app match or a cutie in person to make them laugh
Pick Up Line Generator: Click Here for a Random Pick Up Line Funny Pick Up Lines: "Gurl, do you have a shovel in your back pocket?" (No Why?) "Cuz I'm diggin' that ass!" On a scale from 1 to 10, you're a 9... And I'm the 1 you need. "When...
I want to kiss you passionately on the lips then move straight up to your belly-button. Hello, I'm doing a survey of what people think are the cheesiest pickup lines. So, do you pick 'Do you come here often?', 'What's your sign?', or 'Hello, I'm doing a survey of what pe...
Funny Pick-up Lines as Conversation Starters With GirlsScott Patterson
Double entendres and finesse required. Showing your time, it's all of boyfriend material. Pickup lines if loving the one of which is most! Whenever i need to talk to be a good thing to tell you twice because you, be set to the world! Didn't we take them when i have a triangle ...
Funny pickup lines 11. 'Well, here I am! What are your other two wishes?' 12. 'Are you a magician? ‘Cuz when I look at you, everyone else disappears.' 13. 'Do you know what The Little Mermaid and I have in common? We both want to be a part of your world.' ...
Here is a collection of dumb and funny and cheesy and bad pickup lines and chat up lines. Remember, can’t be held responsible for any drinks thrown in your face when you try to use some of these. Funny pickup lines aren’t always the ones that give you the desir...