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Funny animals – Funny cats / dogs – Funny animal videos 256 Funny animal videos! Compilation number 256. Only the... Funny Cats Cat Versus Cat vs Spider – My kitten goes through a 3 levels game simulation Cat Versus Alvi cat : speed test – my cat versus Usain Bolt ...
I knew a kid once who tried to dry his hampster in the microwave. The house smelled like somebody was cooking hotdogs. Play now! More (V) Weird... (G) Puzzle Click a Brick Click the matching colored bricks quickly before the wall reaches the top of screen. ...
Our office is very chill — open plan, allows dogs, that kind of environment. Our boss brings all of us together in for a meeting. He looks very serious, and the atmosphere is solemn. There is some whispering among the coworkers: “Are we getting fired? Are we downsizing?” Once we’...
Bad Behavior,Cape Town,Home,Karma/Comeuppance,Pets & Animals,Religion,South Africa,Strangers,Stupid|Friendly| October 12, 2024 I have a high wall around my house that is ringed with electrified razor wire and peppered with “Beware of the dogs!” signs. There are more signs on my front ga...
WHY are humans so fukkin stupid??? Ohhh well… The pair who bought the Beloved Sally’s house behind me:nicest neighbors you could hope to have. A yardful of screaming kids: maybe not so much. But only a couple of kids in sight just now…and that makes for a reasonably QUIET occupa...
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Dogs can’t operate MRI machines — but cats-can. Where do you learn to make ice cream? Sundae school. If you see a robbery at an Apple store, does that make you an iWitness? I had a date last night. It was perfect. Tomorrow, I’ll have a grape. ...
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I have always marched to the beat of my own drum and never felt the need to be like everyone else. I am an independent thinker, but lately feel like an alien while navigating the outside world and scrolling through social media. The pandemic lockdown was rough, and people had issues bef...