The most trending funny stuff as discoverd by TrendolizerMost recent trends Share it: Read More Bored Quarantined Owners Have Started Building Cardboard Castles For Cats (click to see stats) Found 4 years ago (read/view on What happens when you have lots of free...
Unlike Christmas, there isn’t the whole heavy religious thing going on that makes some people uncomfortable, and that makes a lot of people post sort-of mean stuff about those of us who say “happy holidays,” instead of “merry Christmas.” And there’s no pressure associated with purchas...
And they say that it has a horrible smell from whatever is in it. But they hide them because these people had to dig really deep, past all the electrical conduits and fibers and ordinary stuff!” And now I was laughing my a** off and she was confused. Me:“You watched a guy dig ...
And they say that it has a horrible smell from whatever is in it. But they hide them because these people had to dig really deep, past all the electrical conduits and fibers and ordinary stuff!” And now I was laughing my a** off and she was confused. Me:“You watched a guy dig ...
Whether it was brought on by a rough patch at work or an awkward situation with your significant other, trust us, you’re about to find yourself in adorable company. Here you'll find a collection of stuck cats who feel you. Though most of them are experiencing feeling stuck in a bit ...
ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIREDOF SEEING IT! My friendson TikTok send me memes, on Discord its fucking memes. I wasin a server, right, and ALL the channels are just Among Us stuff. I showedmy Champion underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo I flipped it and I said "Hey babe,...
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and later IT were their own departments, but Dad oversaw basically all odds and ends that were left over. He was Head of the Kitchens, he oversaw yard maintenance and such, and he was also Head of the Morgue. (I sometimes joked that I hoped nobody ever mixed up stuff between his di...
Cats and dogs hacked this website. They plan on showing you funny pet pictures, great pets stories, rare trivia, and lots of facts about us pets. The main menu is to the left, the ads are to the right, and here you are stuck in the middle again. Pfft! Check out the stuff on th...
I started in the kitchen by pulling everything out of the cabinets. Stuff surfaced that I thought I had thrown away years ago. “Oh my, gosh, I didn’t know I still had that deviled egg dish and that old food grinder from the dark ages.” Well, I didn’t need them now, so I...