Speaking of funny words that end in-y, a British adjective that might sound funny to some isfuggy, which means roughly “smoggy” or “having air that is impure because of smoke, heat, or similar.” The word is the adjective form of the British boarding school slangfug, a noun describin...
the funny word that makes me laugh is FENCE its soooooo funny if you just say it a lot of times i have a lot of more funny words thats what i been looking at is funny words im only 10 years old and now i am going to find more funny words i wish i could tell you all the fun...
King George V changed the name of the British royal family from the German-sounding Saxe-Coburg-Gotha toWindsor in 1917. As the great war was at its height King George V wanted to distance himself from his cousin Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany. Ravens are kept in the Tower of London becaus...
I myself might as well be a bond girl because I have three passports from three different countries. My one passport only, British husband and I have been married for seven years. He is probably worried I will get the seven year itch, evidently women come down with this but men don’t...
Edgar (Shaun of the Dead) Wright, a very intuitive British filmmaker who clearly likes to get funky, brings the black and white Scott Pilgrim to full color life in the form of hipster icon Michael Cera. The day will come when Cera will play someone who isn’t the human incarnation of ...