RITSHI FOR PREZ My son told him his goal was to play Joe Biden in basketball. The guy said, “Wellll I don’t know how athletic he is.” (Leaned closer and lowered voice.) “Well, actually I do but I’m not allowed to say.” As he went back to patrolling, I gave my kids a...
Listen to funny presidential quotes on Vurbl. The skit started off with a news segment, hosted by MSNBC’sChuck Todd, speculating what Obama might do with his future free time. He then asksVice President Joe Bidenfor advice, who tells the father of two that he can’t pla...
We got through it, even though it seemed very touch-and-go till the bitter end. Thank you National Guard, for protecting our country, our Constitution and our future. Today I’m grateful to HEROES President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for bringing back — Democracy Hope Unity...