Friday Funny Quotes For Work “And on a Friday fell all this mischance.”–Chaucer “Black Friday sale: Work ethics 100% off.”–Unknown “I don’t work on Fridays. I make appearances.”–Unknown “Happy Friday! May today be the Fridayest Friday that ever Friday.”–Unknown “If you m...
The economists make cities bid against each other to hold their convention, and don’t care so much about beaches, golf courses or other frills.It’s like buying a car, explains the American Economic Association’s secretary-treasurer, John Siegfried, an economist at Vanderbilt University. “Whe...
Humanismis a movement ofphilosophyandethicsthat emphasizes the value andagencyofhuman beings, individually and collectively, and generally prefers individual thought and evidence (rationalism,empiricism) over established doctrine or faith (fideism). 2. All member organisations of the International Humanist a...
And of course, if a couple could never see each other, they’d surely break up, which is why this Java programming joke is funny. Why did the Java developer teach his young kids about single quotes? Because they build character. When you create acharprimitive type or aCharacterobject in ...
The CIA violated the Nuremberg Code for medical ethics by sponsoring experiments on unwitting subjects. Ironically, Dr Cameron was a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard the case against Nazi war criminals who committed atrocities during World War II. Like...