Anger Lust Pride Gluttony Envy Avarice Avarice Sloth More Funny Differences Between Male and Female Brains A simple enough question: ‘Let’s have a drink’. However, we see a huge difference in response from men and women. Firstly, note the much greater brain activity in the female, secondly...
During this call, she makes the usual gestures of frustration at such a long phone call, but her voice never wavers. At one point, she makes hand gestures like shadow puppet dogs barking at each other, and then one of them comically “eats” the other. All of this is done without her...
he was an absolute martyr about it. He didn’t do these things, because he was selfless. He did them because of societal expectation, because of hisimage,and we know this, by hisperpetual bellyaching, because…