70 Best Funny Questions To Ask A Girl That Really Make Her Laugh via: Mantelligence 1. What are you most afraid of? Why It's Great: To really get to know her, it's important to know her fears and her worries. This will make her open up about herself in a deeper sense. Pretty ...
Funny Questions to Ask a Girl #12: The cold shoulder doesn’t suit you, right (insert her name)? When you ask her this question, you can try to figure out how she handles conflict. If she says the cold shoulder doesn’t bother her, then maybe that’s what she might give you down...
What you need to get from wanting to talk to a girl to engage in a long conversation are some funny questions to ask a girl that are sure to get at least a smile, probably a laugh, and definitely a great conversation. 26. Who do you stalk most often on social media? Celebrities, ...
because answers are obvious but ignored part of the trick questions. Trick questionsare a fun way to kill time and have some good fun. Most of the kids have grown up playing these with each other and even making trick questions of their own. They are quite anentertainingsource to test you...
She likes to ask questions. Her questions are often funny.One day Mary goes to see her uncle with her father. Her uncle lives in another city. The city isn't near their city, so they take a bus to go there.After many hours, they get to Mary's uncle's city. He is very happy ...
1.Beforereading,encouragestudentstoworkinpairsanddiscussthefollowingquestions. .Doyourememberanyhumorousorfunnystoriesthatyouhaveeverread? Whatmakesthesestoriesfunny? Askstudentstosharetheanswersinclass. 2.Explaintwomethodsofcreatinghumour.(1)Playonwordspun(双关语) Anamusinguseofawordorphrasethathastwomeanings...
77. If your partner could have dinner with any celebrity, who would they choose? Funny Questions to Ask Your Spouse About Married Life 78. What annoying thing did you not discoverabout meuntil after we got married? 79. What is the most embarrassing item I use or wear around the house th...
s hiring for a big project. Another manager has joined me in interviewing for a specialist role that requires niche programming. Both of us have a great feeling about this particular job seeker. He’s intelligent and provides quick yet comprehensive answers to our questions, and his ...
135. “If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions dostupid peopleask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?”– Scott Adams 136. “Trying is the first step toward failure.”–HomerSimpson 137. “It does not matter whether you win or lose, what matters is...
Siri can tell jokes if you ask it to, but it also has a lot of fun and witty responses to everyday questions. In this article, we bring you a list of questions you should ask Siri if you want Siri to give funny answers. It’s worth asking them more than once because many of the...