His name is Sally Tomato, and I speak Yiddish better than he speaks English; but he's a darling old man, terribly pious. He'd look like a monk if it weren't for the gold teeth; he says he prays for me every night. Of course he was never my lover; as far as that goes, I n...
The young and enthusiastic priest poured out his heart and soul as he gave his sermon and recited the prayers. His voice was so evocative and powerful that he brought the cemetery workers to tears. When the service was over, the priest thanked the workers for listening and walked to his ...
St Catherine’s Statue and Prayers One custom is that on the 25th of November, girls should visit a statue of St Catherine, where they make a little prayer for a husband. Saint Catherine is goodWe have no hope but you, You are our protectorHave pity on usWe implore you on our knees...
Come to dinner hungry, it makes the meal all that much better! Family Thanksgiving Dinner Memes Let’s hear it for the main course, the Thanksgiving dinner memes! This Thanksgiving meme is all of us who fast all day waiting to binge on a big dinner. The smell of turkey and sides bak...
depicts three stars discussing a man on earth who is dangerously close to taking his own life. Ultimately, Clarence AS2 (Angel Second Class, which doesn’t even make sense as far as acronyms go), is assigned to intervene, as we listen to the prayers of George Bailey’s family and friends...
Christians start preparing for Thanksgiving celebrations by buying wheat and gram [chickpea/lentils], candles, wine, and colored tinsel paper. A temporary altar is constructed which is decorated with flowers, vines, and creepers. Celebrations also include the singing of hymns and prayers. The local...
1.“Are you religious? Cause you’re the answer to all my prayers.” 2.“If you were a steak you would be well done.” 3.“You must be a magician because every time I look at you everyone else disappears.” 4.“Are you a hurricane? Because you’re blowing me away.” ...
During sacrament meeting, the hymns and prayers and sacrament began to cool me down (as they are designed to do), and at some point Natalie leaned over and whispered to Matt, “Daddies don’t have diamonds in their rings because they don’t make dinner.” I love that girl. That’s ...
51. 'Are you religious? ‘Cuz you’re the answer to all of my prayers.' 52. 'I must be in a museum because you truly are a work of art.' 53. 'Let’s commit the perfect crime. I’ll steal your heart, you steal mine.' ...
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