All types of funny jokes, jokes for kids, jokes for adults, knock Knock jokes, doctor jokes, religion jokes, marriage jokes, cheating jokes, animal jokes, puns, one liners, dirty jokes, silly jokes, police jokes, prison jokes and many more.
Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Every year people from all over the world come to Wyoming to visit the nation's oldest national parks and some people just don't understand the appeal. If you look at a list of the top parks in the country, Yellowstone is most likely somewhere towards...
As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of steel to resist these masters of the beg, funny dogs who know precisely how t...
If you are looking for a way to help your bald friend, look no further than the list below. If a joke raises some hairs on your head — be sure to upvote it and comment down below about the reaction you got after telling one of them. #1 "Mommy, why is daddy bald?" "It's beca...
So, that brings us to the topic of this post. What If My Wife Named The NFL Teams – Based Only On Their Helmet Logos! And then to make this a little more fun, and a little more visually appealing – what if we search the name on Google, that she came up with and post the fir...
that goody-goody boy on our block;they stepped out to places, like the Magic Kingdom,while I had to settle for Epcot's cheap sensation,with those alien tourists clutching their VISA Cards.I should be glad if they're trampled to death. Royal Rhodes is retired and living in the rural ...
The population is skeptical that Big would ever be caught and identity ever known because of his connections in high places. Naturally, most feel the manufacturer of the juice is not the exporter of the coke and the one who will be charged might be a headless sardine in the cesspit of ...
Your Instagram business account is one of the best places to showcase your brand personality while still delivering business updates in an engaging way. You can use the captions below for mostsocial mediacontent ideas, but feel free to customize them depending on your specific post. ...
I’d petition that an airplane is one of the worst places to be hungover. The turbulence, noise, people, tight quarters, sweatiness, lights, and lack of liquids combine to a be a hellhole hangover dungeon. More About Head Like I mentioned before, I shave my head twice a week. Here’...
The fries were really good, and they brought me PLENTY of them. Most places skimp on the fries, but this place absolutely did not. I was not able to join the “Clean Plate Club” after this meal. A disappointment to be sure but at least I did not walk away hungry. ...