Funny StoriesPizzaStupidUSARight Me:“Hi, thank you for calling [Pizza Chain]. How may I help you?” Customer:“Yeah, I ordered a pizza two hours ago and it still hasn’t arrived.” Me:“I am sorry about that, sir. Can I get your phone number? We can see what happened.” (The...
I work at a pizza restaurant that does delivery. The manager is talking to one of the drivers. Manager:“Yo, you need to put on your uniform shirt.” The driver takes his uniform shirt, calmly walks into the middle of the restaurant lobby, and proceeds to set the shirt on fire. ...
However, there were “secret” newsletters (before the advent of the internet) that you could get in the mail that would write stories about all the behind-the-scenes drama of the real wrestlers and the organizations they worked for. I was a subscriber for years to two very good newsletters...
Five Hilarious, Witty, Short, and True Funny Crime Stories A man went into a drug store in Baltimore, pulled a gun, announced a robbery, and pulled a “Hefty-bag” face mask over his head. He then realized that he’d forgotten to cut eyeholes in the mask. He was arrested by securit...
Now I am going to end on something you know, but don’t want to know:Practice makes perfect. The more you practice your jokes, your stories, and your timing, the funnier you will be. Start small, with a few written jokes, a few casual stories around the water cooler. If you are ...
Amusing Stories Parents Give a Great Send-off Young Tony was with his parents and they were taking refreshments in the bar at Manchester station when they heard a whistle. The three of them rushed out of the bar onto the platform only to discover that they had just missed the train. ‘Th...
I’m Steve, and I’ve known [Groom] long enough to have enough embarrassing stories to fill a book. But since we only have a few minutes, I’ll save those for the after-party. [Groom] has been my best friend through thick and thin – mostly thick, thanks to our regular pizza ...
Explore the most hilariously funny books to read for adults. Read humorous novels, funny fiction books, mysteries, & fantasy stories.
Former child star Mason Reese joins Sasha and The Noob to tell stories from his amazing and interesting life. Fun chat, silly games, and YOUR live questions and calls. Musical guest: Jess Robbins of the band Course! Play:Last One Picked Is Your New Permanent Tattoo!
You know, Like a liquor and gun store. Or a Chinese food delivery company that also offers a plumbing services. Anyway, these are some pretty hilarious combination business FAILs.1 To Protect and Swerve Photo: Skynet 65 votes What do you think? Agree or disagree? 2 Keeping the Fun in ...