He and another actor from his troupe were having a food fight when Nahrang inadvertently covered himself in mustard, someone took a picture and the rest is history. 10 Fat Guy Shooting a Gun Photo: YouTube This is a fat guy shooting a tiny gun. Your argument is invalid. ...
Husbands and wives are the base of every family and are also usually the butt of a wide range of jokes and oneliners. Marriage is a serious responsibility that is perhaps made light with these jokes. It is usually good humoured barbs directed towards either of them, which they generally l...
The participants had to complete jokes and cartoon strips, choosing the correct punch line or final picture from a selection of options.When choosing the punch line for jokes, undergraduates performed 6% better than older people, and when completing cartoon strips they were 14% better....
I have been compiling a list of life’s must-dos to ensure Buddy grows up a well-mannered little gentleman. 1. Always hold a door open for someone. 2. Always push your grocery cart over to the corral so it doesn’t wind up against my car. 3. Say “excuse me”. 4. No Dutch O...
Soooo nice of you to visit usinstead of sleeping! Answer the funny questions below and the Links2love.com psychic can tell where you are right now! Amaze your friends, send it to them and see how it can predict where they are too, just from a few simple questions!
You have to have a heart of steel to resist these masters of the beg, funny dogs who know precisely how to get what they want using all the techniques in their armory! From being the cutest dogs they can be to downright terrorizing their owners, these puppers have no shame ...
So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills. BLONDE VOTE!PRINT EMBED THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY blonde JOKES: 1 - A blonde goes into work one morning crying her eyes out. Her boss, concerned about his employe...More ›› 2 - A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire...
Funny Pranks including April Fools Pranks and Evil Pranks Practical Jokes and Pranks Harmless and Safe Pranks Easy Funny Pranks Pranks for Public Spaces Evil Pranks Drunk Pranks
But, I never saw La Folia giving chocolate to someone. - McGee: La Folia is in 2nd in Girls to Date in Raizen School! Any man would be happy if they receive chocolate from her own hands! - Katarina: I don't have anyone in importance and I'm not a man so I can't say ...
As soon as we got home and I pulled into the garage, she hopped out of the car, fishing something out of her school bag. "I drew a picture," she said. "Do you want to see?" I wasn't sure I did, but I looked at it anyway. I had to sit down. There, all puffed up so ...