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Prepare to behold a collection of hilarious cards kids gave to parents and other loved ones proving handmade cards are definitely the way to go.
The driver screamed, mounted the pavement, almost hitting a cyclist, then an old lady, but managed to swerve back onto the road, only to over-correct and glance off a coach into the ‘Historical London Souvenirs’ shop window. Incredibly, no one was hurt....
mov We accept all major credit cards from China.Cheerful funny young adult indian woman laughing looking at camera at home office. Happy pretty ethnic lady with healthy teeth, dental smile, having fun bursting into laughter indoor. Closeup portrait 2...
on Holly's shoulder and, in a surprising baby-child voice, said: "Come along, sister. You're going places." Whereupon Holly coolly told her: "Get them cotton-pickin' hands off of me, you dreary, driveling old bull-dyke." Which rather enraged the lady: she slapped Holly damned hard....
"I'M ONLY 13-YEARS OLD!" Is she? With its lovably quirky, eccentric and pleasantly over-the-top nature, LOTM: Sword of Kings always had a nice feature of making things funny in otherwise serious moments, without ever detracting from the actual situation or alienating fans from the overall...
So I went peddling off down the road and knocked an old lady down. ‘Can’t you ring your bell?’ She said. ‘I can ring my bell,’ I said ‘But I can’t ride my bike’ I got home from work and the wife said – I’m very sorry dear, but the cat’s eaten your dinner’...
A new investigation byThe Interceptreveals the National Security Agency and its British counterpart, the GCHQ, hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world, stealing encryption keys used to protect cellphone privacy. The stolen keys give intelligence...
Honor your parents milestone with this virtual animated ecard starring "The Psychick," our lady of the Spirit World. Views: 6979 Our medium of the Spirit World, the Psychick, gets a few thousand year old flashback, leading her back to the beginning of marital bliss. In this reverie, she ...