It was written by Daniel Handler under the pen name Lemony Snicket, and has become a popular franchise over the years. But remember when it was just an outstanding book and not your life? 22. Come on, fight me. via yourtango Doesn’t it feel great when someone brings up a topic that...
I’ve been on this app for almost 5 years with an account and for more than 8 years overall. I used to love this app, it was my sense of humor, where I found memes, where I sent them to friends and we all laughed. This app had a great community and everyone just competed to ...
This is one of my favorite sayings when it comes to romantic relationships. I believe in women's ability to lift their men to new heights. 11. I love you like I love my memes. viamarriage If your partner is a meme lover, then they are a keeper. Imagine being someone’s favorite per...
For many years, viewers have enjoyed the beloved comic strip Hagar the Horrible. The comic, which was created by cartoonist ... Read more Pickles Comics: A Hilarious Journey into the World of Comic Strips December 27, 2023 Pickles Comics is a fun and humorous comic strip that has won fans...
The first day of summer is June 20, 2024. Kick off celebrating the new season with oursummer memes. june meme for summer Want to complain about the heat, then thesehot weather memesare perfect for doing just that. Vacay Who else sings the TikTok song “ay ay ay, I’m on vacation…”...
Funny May Memes 2024 - all of the memes about May that you need to celebrate celebrate all month. From holidays to teacher appreciation, share the May memes!
25+ Funny Exercise Memes for Workout Inspo (December 28, 2024) - Funny memes that "GET IT" and want you to too. Get the latest funniest memes and keep up what is going on in the meme-o-sphere.
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This category is all about laughter and humor. Come and explore our most funny and hilarious jokes, here you will find the best of: Knock knock, dirty, dark, family, dad, senior, little johnny, corny and cheesy jokes. You will also find funny puns, one l
And Behind Door #1 We Have Years and Years of Therapy Photo: tindernightmares via Instagram 4,417 votes What do you think? Is this cringeworthy? 2 When You Really Shouldn't Have Asked Photo: tindernightmares via Instagram 3,785 votes ...