In this heartwarming 2002 animated film, directed by Dean DeBlois and Christopher Sanders, a lonely Hawaiian girl named Lilo adopts a small, ugly "dog" she names Stitch. Little does she know, Stitch is actually a highly sought-after alien from another galaxy! This unlikely duo forms ...
"They never told me not to tell anyone. In so many words. And it is funny. Maybe you could put it in a story with different names and whatnot. Listen, Fred," she said, reaching for another apple, "you've got to cross your heart and kiss your elbow -- " Perhaps contortionists c...
Prduša vela– Translation: Basically means ‘big fart’ – It is one of the islands near the Kornati National park. ‘Big Fart’ – one of the odd place names in Croatia (screenshot) Gaćelezi– Translation: It is a combination of 2 words –‘panties’ and ‘lie down’ – It is...
Orchard Park Originals Bills Thrills Buffalo Blitz Bills Mafia’s Hitmen Bills Gone Wild Carolina Panthers Fantasy Team Names The Bryce Is Right (Bryce Young) Forever Young (Bryce Young) The Young and the Restless (Bryce Young) Young, Scrappy & Hungry (Bryce Young) Bryce Bryce Baby (Bryce You...
Funny namesfor children: Hazel Nutt, Phil Hole, Anna Sasin, and Doug Graves. Don’t give up. Moses was once a basket case! Unusual Text Message Had a text from my mate the other day: ‘I’ve just been arrested and charged with being the ugliest man in Britain please come down to ...
This section of our football jokes is dedicated to funny names of footballers: Hilario is in the Chelsea squad in the English premiership. Australia once had a goalkeeper called Norman Conquest. Harry Daft won five England caps. The Seychelles’, Johnny Moustache has yet to hit the big time....
172 - Q: What happened to the Polish National Library? A: Someone stole the book...More ›› 173 - Q: Why did the Canadian cross the road? A: He saw some American do it on TV...More ›› 174 - Q: Why do Polish names end in "ski" ? A: Because they can't spell...
“tiny homes” at different times in life. They just went by different names, like “trailer,”“motel room,” and “low-income housing.” My “capsule wardrobe” was a collection of Goodwill finds. The dishes I once displayed on an open shelf were a design choice resulting from my ...
Rushed hurriedly to St James straight after the game ended and met my dear colleagues at Power House. A whole lot of them were looking gorgeous. =) There were at least 60 pax of us so really, difficult for me to name names. It was majestic when we had like a whole row of 10+ rou...
I WANT THE NAMES! GIVE ME NAMES! Here, I will reel off a few JEWISH NAMES of the TOP PLAYERS in the TOP POWER HUBS that ACTUALLY CONTROL the planet… Actually – if I have to reel off 100 JEWISH names on this site of all sites then Brother Nathanael Kapners efforts are in vain. ...