Dan arrives at the private hospital in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, and is rushed in quickly for surgery after his appalling car crash. The operation goes well and, as Dan regains consciousness, he is reassured by a nun, Sister Mary, who is waiting by his bed. Now, Dan, you’re going ...
Eventually one Saturday night after a show at the Mermaid Lounge in the Quarter in New Orleans, I ended up in his car. After he kissed me- for the first time (and last) – he went into a twenty minute story about being abducted by aliens on a beach in Alabama. During which time I...
5 (fig 比喻) deficiency which needs to be filled 需加填补的不足、 缺陷或空白: a gap in one's education 个人受教育上的缺欠 *| There was a terrible gap in her life after her husband died. 她在丈夫去世後生活中 1172有过一段难堪的日子. *| a gap in the market, ie absence of a type...
5 (fig 比喻) deficiency which needs to be filled 需加填补的不足、 缺陷或空白: a gap in one's education 个人受教育上的缺欠 *| There was a terrible gap in her life after her husband died. 她在丈夫去世後生活中 1172有过一段难堪的日子. *| a gap in the market, ie absence of a type...