On your girlfriend’s or friends’ 30th birthday, sending them humorous memes about funny 30th birthdays is a great way to remove some of the stress from their lives and get them back into the holiday spirit. So, tell me, what exactly are you anticipating? You are more than welcome to ...
Top FunnyMinions Quotes and Jokes.Minions are new trend on everyday life, Bellow following are some latest minions memes and jokes, one quote that applies so much today and I wanted to share here “1. I hate when I forget to press send and I’m sitting there like an idiot waiting for...
Lewd and funny birthday memes for female friends (or male.) This funny happy birthday girl – is just an old sbag! HA. I have just the friend for this one. There are certain friends that well, have a better sense of humor than other friends. Bonus, send this birthday meme for her ...
Actually, that's exactly what you're supposed to do right at this very moo-ment. These are the best cow puns the Internet has to offer. It's okay to have a moo-mentary lapse of judgment and laugh at these funny cow memes. Failing to do so would be a huge missed steak. Do you ...
I used to love this app, it was my sense of humor, where I found memes, where I sent them to friends and we all laughed. This app had a great community and everyone just competed to be the funniest. NOTICE, all of my memories were in past tense. Now when I open iFunny in ...
We all need that shoulder to lean on once in a while. Having girlfriends who give kindness when we need it most—that's a true blessing! 65. Listen to Dr. Murphy! The Good Doctor Tofublunk GIFfromThe Good Doctor GIFs Sometimes, we just need a pep talk to keep going. Here’s a ...
Cat memes for rainy days or maybe their mind goes the more practical, survivalist route. Maybe they go the pampering route. Sushi for miles? Check it out: Our founder invented a device that allows you to enjoy time outside without constant mosquitoes. 34. If you had a pet parrot, what ...
I liked memes before they were on Instagram. That moment when you realize your childhood is over. Read Also:Memes In Marketing: What Is Allowed And What Is Forbidden I’ll never try to fit in. I was born to STAND OUT! I think you’ve got a deficiency of Vitamin Me!
Male Classmate #1:“I don’t care about the oven. Nobody cares about the oven! That’s not important!” Female Classmate #1:“Yeah! We all need to know one thing.” Male Classmate #2:“How in the world did you legally bring a girl into [Boy’s Dorm]?! What magics did you use...
ABOUT AMONG US! I'M TIREDOF SEEING IT! My friendson TikTok send me memes, on Discord its fucking memes. I wasin a server, right, and ALL the channels are just Among Us stuff. I showedmy Champion underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo I flipped it and I said "Hey babe,...