Well, it needs a bit silly with an unexpected and clever answer. Our hilarious riddles are kid tested and adult approved. Every age will find these riddles incapable of telling without laughter. Why isn’t your nose twelve inches long? Show answer What do you call a fairy that has not ...
35 - A little kid's in school, taking a true-false test and he's flipping a coin. At the end of the...More ›› 36 - Principal: Do you do your homework? Kid: Now & Then Principal: Where do you do it? Kid: Here...More ›› ...
"So you don't know the kid long?" "I live upstairs." The answer seemed to explain enough to relax him. "You got the same layout?" "Much smaller." He tapped ash on the floor. "This is a dump. This is unbelievable. But the kid don't know how to live even when she's got th...
When playing Yes or No Questions with kids, make sure the questions are appropriate for their age group. You can also make the game more interesting by incorporating a story or a theme. These questions are just as easy to answer but can be a little more silly. Can you put a cat in w...
Answer: You give 9 kids an orange each and you give the tenth kid the bowl with the orange in it. Who travels all over the world but always staying in the same corner? Answer: A Stamp What question can you never say yes to?
You are in the same position you were in before my answer, but now you blame me for this. Ultimately, you are higher than everybody because of this balloon, but your fall will be fatal. Indifferent, you are a kid, a man, or a woman. ...
369. “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”— Tina Fey 370. “The nicest thing about quotes is that they give us a nodding acquaintance with the originator which is often socially impressive.”— Kenneth Williams...
131. Never have I ever peed in my bed when I was a kid. It's okay. It happens to the best of us. via: Pexels / Pixabay Downloadable and Printable List of I've Never Questions Here is a downloadable and printable jpg/pdf list of never have I ever questions (right-click the imag...
- Ara: Kill his kid! (Kid dies with a Wilhelm Scream) Give me the thing. - Mouri: Here. - Ara: Kill him! - Mouri: But the thing! (Neck Snap) - Tomas:…wait am I immortal? - Ara: I don't know! Let's see… - Narrator: A new evil has revealed its face. Who are...
Did you read Dr. Seuss as a kid? Because green eggs and... damn! Is your dad a drug dealer? Cause you're so Dope! Smoking is hazardous to your health... and baby, you're killing me! Are you Hurricane Katrina? Cause you’re blowing me away. ...