puberty moments. I limit both the types of photos and videos I share, in addition to who can see them and will likely become even more discerning as my kids grow older and more aware. It’s not just my children who I don’t want living under a microscope, though.Ihave zero desire f...
As our church moves into this new season, God will move us in the right direction, however, we need to trust in Him alone and not lean on our own understanding. If we get stuck in the past, then we cannot move forward. Pastor Ellis and Karen Keck was awesome and everyone loved him ...
has had to endure it again in the family he created. He slumps down from the sink, where he was heaving and sobbing, releasing long-held trauma and pain from who knows where and when; on the verge of vomiting, heaves. We cry together, like Karen and Henry ...
There are some downright ✨ Karen behaviors✨ in this poll! 👀 itskatya 18 Hilarious "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" Cold Opens That'll Fill The Void The Show Has Left Behind Your cue to watch all eight seasons again. Mugdha Kusray If You're In A "Meh" Mood, I Highly Suggest Looking ...