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Joke of the Day Well, we’ve got a secret - you don’t need to be a natural-born comedian to be the life of the party anymore. We’ve got trivia, riddles, dad jokes, truth or dare questions, never have I ever questions, and would you rather questions all right here for you to...
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Jokes of the day I think it's time to start another, new jokes topic. Please post yourjokes of the dayand especially the ones that are really funny . A man sends a text to his next-door neighbor: "Rob, I'm sorry. I've been riddled with guilt and I have to confess: I have be...
Time Jokes Posted in Funny Jokes It’s joke time, time for the top jokes of all time, take your eyes of the clock and settle down to the funniest time of your life. Funny Time Jokes Funny Time Joke 1“I hope you’re not one of those boys who sits and watches the school clock?”...
Kids Jokes of the Day- Enjoy the big collection of kids jokes,puns and one liner jokes here! The jokes here are clean and funny. Prepare for laughing!
Funny Minion Quotes Of The Day Funny quotes about funny sayings ” One day YouTube twitter and Facebook will join together and be called... Youtwitface.” sho
If you are looking for a way to tickle their funny bone, look no further than this great list of funny kid jokes and riddles. You’re sure to find a joke of the day in here!Animals JokesThere is nothing that kids like to talk about more than animals. ...
Religion Jokes»Ramadan Jokes A brother who was fasting all day and almost lost his life and sanity because of starvation called his favourite radio station for a request. The host asked, "What would you like to listen to?" The person replied, "Maghrib Ahzan.." ...