Althoughgirlfriend jokesare not so sought after as many other jokes. I decided to give them their own category. I have had some girlfriend throughout my life and one of them is my wife today. They can be annoying yes, but treat them nice and they will treat you the same way. What ...
If you are a man, thank your girlfriend because even making you angry is the first step to discovering more about yourself. Kids always laugh at this funny joke. An aeronaut in his balloon in the air lost its course, and while he was falling, he saw a man and asked that man where ...
118. A child in church felt unwell. Her mum told her to go and vomit somewhere and when she came back her mum asked her where she did it... “In that box labelled for the sick!" 119. Why don’t you make a joke angry? Because it always has a punchline! 120. Why are flowers ...
Find out here best funny jokes, naughty jokes, dirty jokes, hilarious jokes, joke of the day, clean jokes, long jokes and many more...
Funnyjoke(开心笑话) 1.todaylearnedthataveryfavoritewomanisnolongeravirgin, reallyTMDshouldthatsentence,everywomanyouwanttogo behind,theremustbeamanonhervomiting,What,a,fucking, day! 2.busyforaday,finallypushedhomesubway,hungryandsleepy. Theboystoodontheoppositesideoftheopenabagofpotato ...
My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two girlfriends. I married Miss Right. I just didn’t know her first name was Always. How do most men define marriage? A very expensive way to get your laundry done for free. The most effective way to remember your wife...
Hindi Jokes - We Provide You The Best Jokes In Hindi For Every Occassion And Party. 1000+ Of Clean Jokes In Hindi To Laugh And Share With Friend Or Family.
Finally, the agency is satisfied and asks, “What age of child are you looking for?”“It doesn’t really matter,” they reply, “as long as it fits into the cannon.” Another Cannonball Joke After a long career of being blasted into a net, Marvin. the human cannonball was tired. ...
for and not just randomly picked. We all love a good joke, especially those ones that can actually be shared with people. So we’ve decided to come up with a collection of 160 jokes from around the web (not ours)that’ll get you a laugh. Here goes the list of funniest jokes for ...
92. What’s a boxer’s favorite part of a joke? The punchline. Nature Jokes for Teens 93. How do mountains keep themselves warm during winter? Snowcaps. 94. Which is the best day to go to the beach? SUNday. 95. How does the moon cut its hair?