1、Funny EnglishFunny EnglishHere is a collection of strange signs that you may enjoy sharing with your studentswith appropriate explanations! You can use them in various ways, for example asking just what is wrong or getting students to correct them.Private school:NO TRESPASSING WITHOUT PERMISSION...
January 30, 2012Deirdre Straughan YouTube’s new, experimental automatic audio transcription still needs a lot of work. It seems to have particular difficulty with non-American accents, or with people speaking quickly – which describes most Joyent engineers! I’m sure it will improve, probabl...
Japanese 19 Japanese food 9 jar 3 jars 4 jeep 3 Jersey 1 jewellery 3 jewelry 10 Jigokudani 1 jobs 2 jointing 1 Jokulsarlon 3 Jonsson 2 juice 3 jump 12 jumpers 1 jumping 28 jumping competition 1 jumping starting 1 junior 1 justice 2 Kaffi Ilmur 1 Kaffi...
English, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Ukrainian Age Rating 4+ Copyright © FFWD Price $4.99 Developer Website App Support Privacy Policy ...
The Problem with Speaking English Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine an...
This poor soul lost his pet turtle, as well as a Japanese martial arts weapon known as a pair of nunchucks. Those seem like two things that have nothing to do with each other unless you grew up in the late 80s or early 90s.
Cars & road signs A sign on a car in Manila, Philippines:Car and owner for sale. A sign at a vehicle repair shop in Bali Indonesia:Cat Oven. On a highway sign in Australia:Take notice: when this sign is under water; this road is impassable. ...
The Japanese term "mayoi no mori" can be translated many different ways. The Translation Origin of the Metroid Series’ “Varia Suit” The famous "Varia Suit" was originally the "Barrier Suit" in Japanese. What All Those Foreign Signs in Street Fighter II Say So many countries, so many la...
Screen Cursor Movers: Funny Japanese Flash animation showing the real forces that move your cursor on the screen Reasons to stay sober - Funny pictures of drunk people: Funny pictures of drunk men and women in funny but also tragic situations ...
– Japanese belief A black cat crossing the street in front of you causes bad luck. A rabbit’s foot, a four-clover leaf, or a horseshoe, may ward off bad luck to the owner. Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Luck never made...