Many of them deal with animals and body parts and don’t make much sense to native English speakers. In this post, you’ll look at 9 funny Japanese phrases and learn how they’re used. Let’s go! 1. 蛇足 = “Snake Legs” Hiragana: だそく Romaji: dasoku This expression originated fr...
Funny emphasizes 可笑しい(おかしい) in Japanese.Fascinating emphasizes 魅力的(みりょくてき),not 面白い.Stimulating emphasizes 刺激的(しげきてき) ,not 面白い. Show romaji/hiragana 查看翻译 1 like 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (1) ...
May I ask if my Japanese sounds natural? It is for a semi casual blog entry… Thank you ! nonnonyuyan 2024年5月29日 日语 昨夜は久しぶりにドラマ『○○○』を見ました! 何度観ても飽きないですよね。『A役』と『B役』のやりとりは、面白くて可愛くて、見ているだけで元気になりま...
Wow, it is really smart of whoever made it, and this letter might be smarter and easier to understand than 願, which carries the same meaning in Japanese. 願 is "root / source" and "head / face". It's a little tricky, right? I'm sure that they meant "the source of your thinkin...
Thus by walking down the center of the bridge, Ikkyu obeyed the Lord's command to "not walk on the edge." (The kanji for "edge" (端) is different from the kanji for "bridge" (橋), however, so apparently the sign in question was written in hiragana). groan!