(In this case, it’s “The Man on the Flying Trapeze.”) True to the period, the filmmakers had to devise a clever way to allow the couple falling in love to shack up in the same motel room. Their solution: The Wall of Jericho, which inevitably, comes tumbling down. —AT Photo :...
I love biking on boardwalks for the way they lift me, how I feel fearless, not exactly flying, but swinging on my bike among tree branches. I love the smell of railroad bridges, hot metal and damp wood, how there are always intricate spider webs gracing the posts, and how again, I ...
A pigeon that has no name is on brand for the bird. Pigeons do look like they might be surreptitiously taking over the world, one pavement at a time. Whatever the case may be, this sign is proof of how humor crops up in the most unexpected places. The world of Lost and Found can ...
there was something special. It’s hard to explain how it was like I could see a glow from her. When I met her at the gate, she was having a hard time walking straight. Physically she was having a hard time.
He feels like a drink but cannot because, Drinking and driving will not go while flying. Will there be Christmas without Santa? No prancing on the roof? No jingle bell joy? No presents, no songs, no cheer and no hoo-ha? We hope Santa will be strong for the girls and boys. ...
I walk like Porky, and I feel like Porky. I, too, was short and chubby as a child, and I know exactly how Porky feels. I am helpful, trusting, concerned, kindly, and sometimes a trifle p-p-p-ut out. S-s-s-shucks, I am Porky. Gray: And when you do Bugs Bunny?