make you stand out from the crowd! Indeed, there's power in names - they're like a predesigned logo: instantly recognizable and with just the right touch, unforgettable. Your team's name speaks volumes about who you are as a group; hence it should have some spark of creativity and fun...
Once upon a time there were four little wizards, and their names were Neville, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of “Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone;” but that ain’t no matter. That book was made by Ms. J. ...
They go by many names – graphic tees, slogan shirts, printed shirts, statement tees – but let’s be real, we all call them funny t-shirts when they make us laugh. Whether it’s a funny saying, witty quote, or ironic phrase, these shirts are wearable personality boosters. Conclusion S...
This “crummy old town” has an indoor swimming pool under the high school gym. The only rundown house is eventually transformed to a glorious Victorian mansion by Mary Bailey, herself, with just a little elbow grease. Even George declares the falls are beautiful in the moonlight, when he ...
2 That is whyLetters from Father Christmascould be the perfect book for those who regard Christmas as a special time of year. The man who wrote these letters is one of the most famous names in English literature—...
Notice how painstakingly each one has been filled out with your personal names, addresses and home phone numbers. Megan did that herself, with the help of our HR department and many nights at the kitchen table. That’s preparation. That’s spirit. That’s commitment; knowing that if you ...
Brooks’s daughter Diamond is the stereotyped, spoiled, “I belong in LA” type; middle bro Phoenix walks around speaking philosophical truths and youngest brother Bo (did they run out of quirky names) is the typical troublemaker. When the Brooks’ dog shows up at Happy Trails, Sophie sees...
“I may have accidentally switched their names at one time, it’s a good thing they look alike.” “When I had twins, I was at the hospital getting a buy one get one free deal.” “You know you’re a mom of twins when one of them is bathed twice by mistake.” ...
Cannabinoid compounds are extracted from the cannabis plant and are called other names as marijuana or hemp. If we look back marijuana is banned in all countries due to the effects that it produced. But in recent times slowly countries started to ban it. Canada is the country that completely...
You startedin a church choir. I did, too.The director told me to mouth the words, not to sing them. Sometimes I sang anyway.He always looked baffled, tried to figure out who was off key.But Tina, you made it big, from gospel music to icon, on the cover of The Rolling Stone.How...