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A small town Doctor was famous in the area for always catching large fish. One day while he was on one of his frequent fishing trips he got a call that a woman at a neighboring farm was giving birth. He rushed to her aid and delivered a healthy baby boy. The farmer had nothing to...
I can ‘t believe he ‘s just giving these out for free Read more Comedy Icon Gary Gulman Is Tweeting Joke Writing Tips Every Comedian Should Read Best of the Web Front Page Netflix Original Articles Originals Stand Up Television & Film Russell Brand ‘s “Re:Birth ‘ Is Exactly Wha...
'The Bachelorette's Andi Dorfman Hospitalized Less Than a Week After Giving Birth 5:19 Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States, Dead at 100 2:10 Demi Moore's Family Can't Stop Laughing Over Viral Holiday Tealight Candle Challenge 1:45 Watch Kim Kardashian React ...
Giving a pill to a cat is indeed an ideal scenario for various cat jokes. Let’s take a look at some of them: Pick the cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position the right forefinger and thumb on either side of the cat’s mouth and gent...
I feel like I have known you forever. You should really thank the heavens for giving you a friend like me. Happy birthday, enjoy! Since I make you smile all the time, there is no need to look for the perfect gift that would put a smile on your face. Happy birthday my best friend...
In 1942, learning of a show that was canceled, he pitched People are Funny to NBC, and it went on the air April 10, 1942 with Art Baker as host. In a popular first-season stunt, a man was assigned to register a trained seal at the Knickerbocker Hotel while explaining that the seal...
for giving birth to this wonderful child. It’s not the years that count, it’s the memories you make over these years. It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to. Birthday MOOD! Don’t grow up, it’s a trap! I’m not getting older, I’m just becoming a classic. Live y...
21. Where is my birth year?! viapostize Here’s another meme that is probably very relatable. Scrolling down to find your birth year whenever you are registering for something online means that you aren’t a spring chicken anymore.
She also lookedabsolutely radiantin the music video for “Dance Like Nobody’s Watching” with fellow stunnerTinashein August. The clip, which was her first since giving birth, had her dressed up in a bunch of over the top looks that also included the Australian beauty rocking a bunch of ...