Doctor:“So did I. [My Name], we donotthrow our meds.” *Hands the bottle back to me* “We need that until our surgery, darlin’!”*Points at Ratched*“Out.” While I was recovering from my surgery, Sunshine came up and told me Ratched was doing unit secretary work while she att...
my dad’s gallbladder went out, and my worry about him after his surgery gave me such chronic insomnia that I couldn’t function for over a month, and
Dan arrives at the private hospital in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, and is rushed in quickly for surgery after his appalling car crash. The operation goes well and, as Dan regains consciousness, he is reassured by a nun, Sister Mary, who is waiting by his bed. Now, Dan, you’re going ...
When a cop and his canine are injured, they undergo surgery but the only way to save them is to create Dog Man! This part-canine, part-human creation feels the push and pull of his instincts from both his natures. Pilkey has said many times that he writes books that fulfill kids' ne...
Priti Manek (There is always one combination that Guy does not get, Will says ‘Guy, it’s Pretty Manic’) Sent in by a reader who went to school with – Dinah Drain! Weird Children’s Names There is a Zulu tradition to name children after events that occur near their birth – fair...
So they spark up one last joint, and after they finish, the genie disappears into the lamp. A minute later, he pops out with chicken nuggets in his hand and asks: "So, what's your fourth wish?" wishes genie stoner joint Dislike Like Continue Reading Reason for Emigration It's ...
in congress, and it makes him mad. your coffee table could use some style. click here to subscribe to gq . when jimmy returned to the show last spring after billy had his first heart surgery, at birth, he used his monologue to talk about all those other kids in the hospital, and ...
s office that does dentures and other dental things. I made an appt at Smiles Restored since a friend of mine works there. I know she is a Christian. She will be present when I have my surgery. After my consultation a few weeks ago, I let some friends who were wanting me to ...
How I Got Kicked Out of High School - A Freaks and Geeks Diary April 23, 2000 | JUDD APATOW Garry Shandling looks white as a ghost. I've just been brought to my room at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after having back surgery. He is visiting me. I ask Garry what's the matter. He ...
1. Doctors who transplanted a complete penis onto a wounded soldier reported Wednesday that the man has regained near-normal erections and the ability to achieve orgasm more than one year after the surgery was completed. Said the soldier, “Please, just say normal erections.” ...