Dan arrives at the private hospital in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, and is rushed in quickly for surgery after his appalling car crash. The operation goes well and, as Dan regains consciousness, he is reassured by a nun, Sister Mary, who is waiting by his bed. Now, Dan, you’re going ...
Trash Sorting For Kids Cards Connect The Panda Brother Fruit Crush Ice Block Sliding - Jewel .. Among Us Pop It Jigsaw Cut My Rope Rope Pull Impostors Run Super Fa.. Impostors Racing Game Impostors Bubble Shoot.. Neon Rocket Game Peppapig Coloring Book The Little Mermaid Col.. Lilo And St...
Then I reconsidered, “But don’t worry you will live long enough to waste away so you might as well have a few slices, you both have longevity genes unlike me who drew the short straw and have but one gene for a shorter lifespan.” “Are we going to get Alzheimer’s?” Mom asked...
/ 5gAmI; `^AmI/ adj [usu attrib 通常作定语] (infml 口) (of a limb or joint) unable to function normally through pain or stiffness (指四肢或关节)(因疼痛或僵直)不能正常活动的, 瘸的, 跛的: a gammy leg/knee 不能正常活动的腿[膝]. Cf 参看 game3. gamut / 5gAmEt; `^AmEt/ n 1 ...
Trash Sorting For Kids Cards Connect The Panda Brother Fruit Crush Ice Block Sliding - Jewel .. Among Us Pop It Jigsaw Cut My Rope Rope Pull Impostors Run Super Fa.. Impostors Racing Game Impostors Bubble Shoot.. Neon Rocket Game Peppapig Coloring Book The Little Mermaid Col.. Lilo And St...
/ 5gAmbl; `^Ambl/ v 1 (a) [I, Ipr] play games of chance, etc for money 赌博: gamble at cards, on the horses, etc 赌纸牌、 马等 *| He spends all his time gambling in the casino. 他把时间都消磨在赌场的赌博上. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sth) spend (money) by playin...