After this, though, I’ll have to remember to stash the salt & pepper in a kitchen cabinet, where she can’t get her busy little hands on them. WHY SO FUKKIN’ STUPID??? Ooops!Speakin’ of fukkin’ stupid, LOOKEE HERE! Bestir yourself away from Crate & Barrel, stumble over to Amazo...
Wile E. is the reasonI can’t just let Ruby out in the back yard to do her thing, whilst I go on about my business fixing breakfast or dinner. The local coyotes will ghost right over your six- or eight-foot backyard wall and take off with your dwarfish dog. At any rate…we make...
Friend:“Yes, but no alcohol. What are you not getting? Parent:“They’re too young! They’ll get the idea that shots are cool, and then God knows what else!” Me:“Hey, [Parent], don’t you let your nine-year-old have her own TikTok and give makeup tutorials on how to look ...
44 - What do you get if you cross a worm and an elephant ? Very big worm holes in your garden !... More ›› 45 - What did one flea say to the other after a night out ? Shall we walk home or take a dog ?... More ›› 46 - What did the worm say to the other ...
On the following Tuesday, I came into the office eager to get on the right foot, and I found my desk empty. My stuff was in a box in the break room. It seemed I had been temporarily reassigned. I found out that after I left on Friday, [Boss] had called the jerks in all togethe...
It took a while to explain to them why that was impossible. All the while, they insisted that I was just trying to get them to pay more than necessary. They had to come into the store for me to show them a sample before they understood the problem. ...
What’s the best way to get the hospital after breaking your foot? Tow truck. Did you hear about the archeologist that got fired? His career is in ruins. What did the buffalo say to her son on the first day of school? “Bison.” Why do ducks have feathers on their tales? To hide...
At a first glance, the middle of the flower appears like a big tip of a nose glancing right at you. This attribute makes this plant both funny and weird to look at! Hereare the different types of orchids you can grow 2. Rabbit’s Foot Fern ...
always expect disaster and can't stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. Usually the worry is unrealistic. After surfing the Internet I came across a bunch of humorous paranoias that a lot of other people have anxiety about as well and I didn't feel so alone anymore...
the arms of the cross. The mound serves as a memorial to some 300 unknown soldiers buried beneath it. A stairway at the back makes it clear people are welcome to go up to the cross and look out. At the foot of the mound are a number of wreaths, many of them donated by former ...