With 22 seasons and more than 400 episodes, Family Guy is one of the longest-running animated series ever. It launched Seth MacFarlane into the stratosphere of American pop culture. After a cancellation, the show’s cult status only grew, forcing the show to return to Fox, where it continue...
Family Guy is a sitcom about the adventures of the Griffin family. The show is one of the longest-running cartoon shows with over 380 episodes since its initial release in 1999. One of the reasons people are still watching Family Guy is how it transcends the comedic limits by opening discu...
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a camp, or on a family road trip, summer seems universally loved. Every single person in my family adores weekend trips to the lake, organized sporting events, and grand family vacations.I, however, am pretty sure that every injury I’ve ever had occurred during one of the above. The on...
Voice actor and comedian Ken Pringle enjoys a bowl of Hostess Donettes cereal with veteran voice actor and voice director Keythe Farley (Mass Effect, Skylanders) as they discuss how to play comedy in a script, directing classic episodes of Nickelodeon's Rugrats, and Ken introduces a brand-new...
Episodes 2 DAYS AGO Raquel realized she could see auras as a child, a postpartum visitation, and divine pregnancy tests. Lindsay saw a little green man during a sleep paralysis episode and maybe a college ghost. David greeted the spirits upon moving into a new home. Saoirse and Jameela ...
I originally contacted Danny Arnold in order to try and locate copies of the six episodes of his short-lived series, “Joe Bash,” to pass along to John Cleese. However, upon speaking with him, I had a hunch that he had much to say that would interest my listeners, and I was right...
"Me and this guy, Eckidina's "pet parrot", are here on business. We arrived with message from Princess Sonia Nevermind. Are your brothers home?" (The reaction of Misogi after entering the house of the Arzonia Family and spots tons of weapons, gasolines, explosives and war equipaments) ...
Moss (Richard Ayoade) and Roy (Chris O'Dowd) and department head Jen (Katherine Parkinson) as they help employees with computer problems while trying to master social contact. One of the best episodes has the guys convincing Jen that if she Googles the word Google she'll break the internet...