This heartwarming comedy teaches 10-year-olds about responsibility and unconditional love between pets and their owners. Released: 1992 Directed by: Brian Levant Dig Deeper 18 Grim Facts About The Life Of Beethoven You Never Learned As A Kid Also ranks #1 on Family-Friendly Comedies That Got ...
Totem poles come from Indigenous cultures in the Pacific Northwest. They are intricate carvings representing family crests, legends, or important events. These tall structures tell stories, and each figure on the pole has a purpose. People often believe the figure at the top holds the most import...
Funny Facts1490 Gay jokes117 Gender jokes69 Holiday jokes168 Humor jokes819 Insults4294 Insults jokes114 Jokers160 Lawyer jokes530 Medical jokes297 One liners704 Police jokes6 Politics jokes304 Redneck jokes473 Religious jokes625 Work jokes75 ...
Enjoy reading funny sex stories, strange, weird, bizarre and sex news; find funny stories, news and facts about our crazy world
It's a testament to the power of outrageous charisma and the lengths one can go to evade capture - all while making us laugh along the way. Released: 2002 Directed by: Steven Spielberg Dig Deeper Behind-The-Scenes Stories From 'Catch Me If You Can' Also ranks #2 on Great Movies That...
You probably guessed it — that idiom means to reveal a secret or tell facts that were previously unknown.Dogs and cats don’t always get along, but they appear side by side in a commonly used idiom. When it rains heavily, people might say it’s “raining cats and dogs” outside.Bad...
Five Fun Facts and Funny Marriage Trivia As a part of our marriage jokes, we also included a trivia: Show Me A Marriage With Humour and I’ll Show You A Healthy Marriage. ‘Diamonds are a girl’s best friend’ but did you know that until the 15th century, only kings wore diamonds, ...
The strips are largely inspired by my daily life, relationship with my fiancé and what’s generally happening in the world. The strips are light-hearted and have a mix of everyday humor, romance, and good vibes. The goal of these comics is to make people laugh and to, generally, spread...
Top 5 Funniest Airplane Stories As one of the largest suppliers of the value addedsteelused in aircrafts, we know a few things about the industry. The world of aviation can be a most peculiar place, as this list will show: 1) The Flight Attendant Who Quit His Job During A Flight Using...
Me:“Managers are here to manage, not to take calls. I can ask for a manager to review your case, but there’s no grey area here. The facts speak for themselves.” Caller:“Well, I’m going to go on social media!” Me:*Eye-roll*“Yes, I’m sure both of your MySpace followers...