Do you ever feel like your dog is trying to tell you something, but is having trouble effectively communicating his message? Not these pups. Below you’ll find ...
He rings the bell and the owner tells him the dog is in the backyard. The guy goes into the backyard and sees a black ... Rated: 2.9 out of 5 Stars / Views: 22,421 / Shares: 27 The Good Things in Life 1. Falling in love. 2. Laughing so hard your face hurts. 3. ...
It always comes back to cats! 71. Healthy Eating They say vinegar will stop pregnancy! What if you only sprinkle it on your fries? What are the funniest funny signs you've seen? Any in your hometown? Feedback Junction Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge ...
Cats Really Do Live in Their Own Funny Little Worlds 4:16 Have You Ever Seen a Dog THIS Smart? Wow! We May Be Miles Apart But You Are in My Thoughts These Animals Don't Care About Species, Just Friendship Adorable! This is What Your Cat Wants You to Know! 18 Heartwarming Fam...
In January, Zdzislaw Bukarowcz, a seventy-five-year-old Polish man from Scinawa, lived in a dog’s kennel for three weeks. It was all the work of his zona*, Mrs Bukarowcz, her reason for dishing out this punishment was because Zdzislaw repeatedly came home drunk. ...
A dog’s parents never visit you. Dogs like it if you leave things on the floor. Dogs agree that you have to raise your voice to get your point across. Dogs like to do their snooping outside, rather than inside your wallet or desk. Dogs find you amusing when you’re drunk. A dog...
That is one of the qualities I like about him. He lived a reasonable long life for a cat and I will always remember him. I deeply wish I could have buried him as I buried my dog Boris. I didn’t show a lot of affection towards Boris in front of people but did when no one was...
ArF-ing funny dog jokes, cat comedy, Happy Birthday memes and good thoughts to share with family and friends.
Every Day Is National DogDay ByMelanyonSeptember 15, 2022inSnarky To My Best Friend, Thank you for standing by my side through thick and thin, good times and the bad and for showing me what unconditional love truly means. Thank you for being loyal, dependable, honest and real. You are ...
I want to sit like a human! Check me out ... I'm human!!