8 Best Funny, But Deep Questions to Ask via: Unsplash / Mike Erskine Occasionally you'll run into a person who seems to have it all figured out. Because he/she is so interesting, you have a ton of deep questions to ask but you want to be witty. When your conversation takes this rou...
Source:How to tell you're a More ... Frequently asked questions What are funny flow charts? Can flow charts really be funny? Why do people love funny flow charts? 3. Which Super-Hero Are You? Source:Exclusive Infographic: Which Summer 2012 ...
107. “If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.”– George Burns 108. “I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me – they’re cramming for their final exam.”...
You’ve just won an all-expense paid trip to anywhere in the world, but you can only go if you take three of the people you dislike the most with you. Who are they and where are you going? If you had three extra siblings, what would be your birth order and what personalities would...
Here are several varieties of questions to ask people to know them at different levels. So these are perfect when you want to know someone at a deep level and to make your understanding better with them, so go to this set of questions to ask people. ...
Funny things to ask S Voice: General questions 78. What is my name?What? That’s a strange name to have. 79. How old am I?You’re as young as you feel. 80. Why am I here?That’s a very deep question. That’s a question philosophers ponder over. ...
‘130 Spicy, Funny & Deep Hot Seat Questions for Friends and Couples’ is here to change that. These questions are made to dig deep, making you and your friends or partner talk about things that usually don’t come up. It’s a fun way to learn more about each other and grow closer...
These questions may not be politically correct, and they might make people angry, but they will guarantee a lively debate. If you went back in time and were assigned to be a dictator for one week, would you pick and why? Do you think that blondes are dumber than brunettes and redheads?
Then, I started asking some questions, and she told me her house was in the hurricane zone and she had no power. I rolled my eyes and then put her on hold to take a deep breath. Then, I took the customer off hold and explained in the nicest way possible that you need POWER to ...
8 Best Funny, But Deep Questions to Ask via:Unsplash / Mike Erskine Occasionally you'll run into a person who seems to have it all figured out. Because he/she is so interesting, you have a ton ofdeep questions to askbut you want to be witty. ...