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You know darling daughter, now that you’re fourteen, you’ll be ready for unchaperoned car dates. Won’t that be fun?Father – The Old DaysIn 1913, a happy meal was when a father told funny stories around the dining table.In 2014, a happy meal is what dad buys at McDonald’s....
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My daughter is small for her age — healthy, just tiny. She’s often mistaken for younger than she is. For example, people would often express surprise that she could “already” walk and talk when she was a year and a half old because they thought she was around nine or ten months ...
Speaking of smartphones, we couldn’t help but notice that the girl’s dad, who recorded the event, has apparently fallen victim to another highly contagious trend, the capturing of videos in portrait orientation. Fortunately, there’s a quick and easy cure for this sickness: an...
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Patrick RyanUsa Today
Got caught up in a strange situation this last week on twitter involving some parents of people with Down syndrome (and possibly their children) after saying I felt uncomfortable about a young man being directly quoted by his dad as saying something I didn’t think he’d say. I’ve seen ...