If I was funny, I would have a good Instagram caption. It’s too “a.m.” for me. Ladies, please. NASA just announced that it is safe to eat without posting it on Instagram. My attitude is based on how you treat me. Now on your screen, then in your dreams. Oh, I’m sorry....
Dogs themselves, on the other hand, are not shy about their love for food. As every cute puppy owner knows, if there's food about you can guarantee your canine is in the vicinity, sniffing, drooling and putting on their best sad puppy eyes. You have to have a heart of ...
“Have you seen this dog?” read the caption of this poster; it follows with an “I have now.” It’s actually pretty funny, considering it's in the ‘missing pet’ poster form. The best thing about this flyer, obviously, is the look on the poor pup’s face. It may be unflatteri...