RELATED:Funny Books for Adults Are you here for some pure and light fun? We’ve also got somefeel-good booksfor you that’ll turn your me-time into a hilarious laugh party of one. You’ll find here new funny fiction books, quirky and humorous fantasy books, and even hilarious adventure...
I read the reviews for this book and realized I had to get one for myself. I’m an avid reader and usually buy non-fiction science books about space and physics. I ordered two of these, one to give to my best friend, I’m 29 and she is 40. This book is great for all ages!
While Kate Thompson’s children’s fiction is primarily fantasy, several of her books also deal with the consequences of genetic engineering. She has won the Bisto Children’s Book of the Year Award four times, for The Beguilers, The Alchemist’s Apprentice, Annan Water and The New Policeman...
And we adults love to hear them laugh; they are so easily ammused and have the best giggles, don’t they?! So as you are working on early liteacy and building memories reading together, read somefunny picture books. To make it easier for parentes, teachers, and homeschoolers – we’v...
MAT:You teach fiction writing. How does one do that? SR:I do that by giving out lots of hard candy. Usually Caramel Nips. I’ve given out candy to my gifted high school students and also adults in various writing workshops. No one turns down candy. And, as someone’s Jewish grandmoth...
Funny chapter books for kids that will make kids and parents chuckle, laugh, giggle and snort milk out of their noses. Watch out!
Middle grade fictionpublished by Puffin Another one that I ordered long ago, I need to finally read this one. I try to find books for the classroom that both the boys and girls will be drawn toward. I want them to see the fun in reading, to see that it just takes one book, the ...
(or more) to do with my own personal sense of humor as it does with what kinds of funny books women tend to write, but either way: most of these are dark in addition to being funny; few are the literary equivalent of rom-coms. And many of them are told from the perspective of a...
(Kafka, I.B. Singer, Gogol, Bulgakov) combined with Le Carre or Allen Furst and yet it is firmly grounded in a world I understand. This is a book that I have taken to proselytizing for. It is far, far too good to get lost in the tide of speculative fiction books. A sequel,...