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a) The worst homing pigeon: This historic bird was released in Pembrokeshire in June 1953 and was expected to reach its base that evening. It was returned by post, dead, in a cardboard box eleven years later from Brazil. b) The least successful exhibition: The Royal Society for the Prev...
Id card for Bill Gates Gates in Washington The Practical Jokester When you shave a cat Giraffe has problems Never wise to give up This dog has wrinkles AOL's support team Ironing out wrinkles Doctor on computers Tyson is eating an ear ...
707 Amazing Parents Quotes 2025 for COPY-and-PASTE [for free!]. Famous quotes, Inspiring and Funny + Great Parenting Tips.
heart touching funny birthday wishes for son quotes for him her Best wishes on your birthday, Son! It is a very beautiful experience to be able to follow a son’s life from the time he is a tiny baby until he is a successful adult. It is important for the parents of a son to demo...
I assume this is normal after being consumed by all things baby? If not, I’ve finally went totally bat-shit crazy. I told Buddy one of my favorite quotes is “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.” I swear he grinned at me as he ...
You startedin a church choir. I did, too.The director told me to mouth the words, not to sing them. Sometimes I sang anyway.He always looked baffled, tried to figure out who was off key.But Tina, you made it big, from gospel music to icon, on the cover of The Rolling Stone.How...
From thecar shipping quotesyou get, pick the best offer in terms of your moving budget and relocation needs. How to Ship a Car to Another State 5. Money is the root of all evil If your talking parrot can calculate how much you need to cover the moving expenses, then you can do it ...
From Funny Phrases, Sayings, Quotes, Insults, Idioms, Expressions, Swear Words to Silly Colloquialisms – The Travel Tart Ultimate Guide & Version to Aussie Slang! A A book short of a library – someone who’s a bit stupid An egg short of a dozen – as above A penny short of a pound...
Baby Raccoon Buddy Buy from Archie McPhee $25 from Archie McPhee Shop Now A pet raccoon. What could possibly go wrong? This latex critter has paws you can bend and pose and stands about a foot tall. Amazon Shower Margarita Machine Buy on $8.99 $9 from AmazonShop Now You've heard of ...