When you want to quit your job, but the thought of another year of seniority keeps reminding you not to quit. When you feel yourself aging. Can’t quit your job just yet. Work Loyalty Meme This job loyalty meme hits hard – not sure if loyal or too lazy to look for a better job....
“I said you could reach out to me any time. Not that I would respond.” 32. Job title: Memelord Job Memes via Pinterest Is it just us, or do the best workplace memes all seem to involve Kim Kardashian? 33. Uncurable case of boredom Bored Panda Do you ever get sobored of being...
When summer is over and you have to remember what day of week it is. Happy Back to School Meme Send some happy to your kids, students or teachers! These happy back to school images and memes are the reminder that class is back and a good school year is ahead! Don’t miss our awes...
I bet you all would be a shoe in for the job. Ariana Grande is hot. From a chil... funnyjunk.nl funnyjunk.nl Inquire about this domain. funnyjunk.us funnyjunk.us - Registered at Namecheap.com This domain is registered at Namecheap. This domain was recently registered at Namecheap....
From fist-pumpin’ to breast-pumpin’! From all night bashes to diaper rashes! And you know what? I feel…awesome! It means I get to be a kid again too. You really think those toys I’m buying are for the baby? 8. I wonder if the womb-music thing actually works? The kid was ...
I would go up there every freaking summer if I could – my cousins and uncles always do a fly-in fishing trip each year – just to fish and drink beer. I have been to some awesome places on vacation, but no kidding my one fly-in fishing trip into middle-of-nowhere-but-nowhere-had...
awesome - so quick and very funny. Up to US$50 Price 1 day Duration Helpful? Yes No R robe13 Repeat Client United States 5 3 months ago Exceptionally funny and talented. His jib-jab like produ...
The newest SIMS game is awesome. Irony and the Meme Image Source:Pixabay His feathers were ruffled for sure. There’s some irony for you. Just because I’m a dog doesn’t mean that I’m not human! For Photoshop Pros, otherwise brush it away. ...
we don't know what else to say! People don't usually scroll this far, they just get excited when we mention the funny pics, the awesome memes, the meme maker and the rest of features above. We suggest you to install Memedroid now, but if you are still in doubt we will leave you ...
One definition says that memes are to culture as DNA is to life. Funny gifs will make you LOL. Try to make everybody laugh to win this Meme Challenge! Win to…